Sept 24, 2018 – Advanced Core Exercises

Picture of Hawkins


📈Advanced Core Exercises

If you’re tired of the usual forearm planks, the above vid will be useful ⬆️. Remember core strengthening is more than holding planks for 5 minutes at a time 🔄

🔹Plank Reaches – start in normal plank position, and using a frictionless surface (like a towel or glider) reach forward with one arm into flexion and return to start position.
🔹Bear Crawl with Gliders – Start in ‘bear crawl’ position (on hands and toes). Using gliders with hands, work different directions with your shoulders 🔀
🔹Spider Man Planks – start in straight arm plank position. Slowly bring each hip into flexion and abduction. Make sure the pelvis is as stable as possible during the movement
🔹Straight Arm Plank Reaches – Start in plank pose. Slowly reach each arm into full flexion, I added a lacrosse ball to my Lower back to cue myself to be neutral pelvis
➡️Try these out, and hope these challenge your core workouts more 👍

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