July 23, 2018 – What is the Shoulder Blade?

Picture of Hawkins


Ok so the title is misleading, the scapula doesn’t function as an ‘anchor’ ⚓️. But its crucial to healthy glenohumeral joint motion, especially in throwing ⚾️⚡️ activities. It needs to have a balance of mobility and control due to its over SEVENTEEN muscle attachments.
It’s such an important hub for the upper-extremity, because imbalances ⚖️can affect joints farther away. For example imbalance of neck muscles attaching to the scapula can affect farther down to shoulder and elbow 😵
The main movements of the scapula are:
🔹Upward Rotation
🔸Downward Rotation.
Because of sedentary lifestyle, the last 3 functions are usually in overdrive ⚡️. This has big consequences for the rotator cuff. In overhead motions the scapula should be able to upwardly rotate ⤴️and clear space for the supraspinatus muscle. For a lot of people it doesn’t, hence commons activities can irritate the rotator cuff long term:
🔻Overhead Bar Press

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