Aug 6, 2018 – Squats vs. Deadlifts

Picture of Hawkins


🏋SQUATS and DEADLIFT Differences
If you’re a workout junkie, can you answer this in 5 seconds? 🕑 To clearly answer is harder than you think 🤔. If you do these exercises all the time, you simply know how to do them. But what’s the REAL difference?
Only a few years ago we would say, that’s easy: a deadlift is with weight in hand 👋, and squats are with weight on shoulders 👤. But now it’s complicated with gyms having equipment like:
🔻Trap Bars
For example, if you’re doing a ‘split squat’ holding a kettle bell off the ground, isn’t that a ‘deadlift’?? 😏Tricky I know.
Now in recent times I like to move away from those 2 terms to the following:
🔴KNEE DOMINANT PATTERN (deep movement of knees AND hips)
🔵HIP DOMINANT PATTERN (deep hip movement with minimal ⬇️ knee bend)
✅So in simple terms: traditionally defined its ‘weight off ground vs weight held high’. Newer definition it’s ‘hip vs knee dominant’. As always it’s not about what an exercise is called, but the intent of the individual doing it.

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